An average malaria treatment cycle costs Nigeria N75.5 billion. - Don


An average malaria treatment cycle costs Nigeria N75.5 billion. - Don
Chike Ogbonna, a Professor of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering at the University of Jos, has revealed that the Nigerian government spends N75.5 billion for each cycle of malaria treatment. 

Ogbonna emphasized the urgent need to promote the local production of Artemisia Annua, a plant rich in artemisinin, a key component in malaria treatment. 

He noted that with commitment from the government and stakeholders, along with unity of purpose and selflessness, malaria could cease to be a major health threat in Nigeria.

Ogbonna called on the government to make malaria drugs easily affordable, stressed the possibility of eradicating malaria, and highlighted the need for unity in addressing health challenges. 

Artemisia Annua is known for its potency in malaria treatment and was used to produce Madagascar's COVID-19 herb. 

While trial cultivations of the plant were conducted in some states in 2020, the overall objective of promoting local production is yet to be achieved.

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