The panel made a suggestion that any state that did not expedite the repayment of contributions by December 2023 would see the number of slots allotted to them reduced.
The decision became essential in light of the timeline set by Saudi authorities, according to a letter from the Director, Finance and Accounts, NAHCON, to the Chief Executives of State Pilgrims Welfare Boards, Agencies, and Commission.
He claims that the Hajj and Umrah Ministry of Arabia has made it necessary for every Hajj Mission that plans to take part in the 2024 Hajj to send their pilgrims' deposits before a specific deadline.
"I am instructed to advise you that you are urged to promptly remit an appropriate percentage of monies for the slots distribution to your respective states in light of the new timetables set by Saudi authorities for 2024 Hajj operations.
Failure to do so will be taken as a sign of unpreparedness on your part, and the Commission will be forced to reduce your allocation and increase it for the states that are better prepared in order to fulfill deadlines and ensure a smooth exercise overall.
"If the instruction is not followed, the Commission will have no choice but to cut the allotment of such States and award them to States that have finished sending their money and require more slots.
"It was crucial that the Commission's IBAN Account have enough money in it by December in order for the Commission to pay for or complete some activities in the Kingdom.
In a statement made available to journalists on Tuesday, Mousa Ubandawaki, the deputy director of information and publications at NAHCON, urged the state boards to continue their collaboration and understanding in order to reach the deadline and enable a trouble-free 2024 Hajj Exercise.