Grace When IVD refuted Okoro's assertion that Davido owed him money, Okoro explodes.

Grace When IVD refuted Okoro's assertion that Davido owed him money, Okoro explodes.
Governor Mohammed Bago has extended an incentive of N3.5 billion to 1,000 young people as part of efforts to promote the state's agricultural growth.

All Niger State citizens were ordered to plant a tree by Governor Bago, who also declared his administration's readiness to establish the ideal conditions for business growth. This was the first Executive Order on tree planting.

He revealed that 1,000 young people would receive a million naira apiece as an incentive to join the agriculture program.

We recognize our strengths as a people and as a state because you are discussing the green economy. For young people, what is there? Priorities must be set for incentives before anything else.

Therefore, I'm also committing N100 million on behalf of each local government to this fund. Therefore, the government is providing N3.5 billion in seed money to encourage people to return to farming in order to ensure a sustainable future.

"This fund will be expanding and rotating; grants rather than loans will be given out."

"Another initiative is that every local government that wishes to establish an agric extension school should have a nursery where these plants are grown. Right now, one hectare planted by one family will yield one million banana tubers, but no one knows how to plant bananas."

In an attempt to expedite the project, he revealed that every Local Government Secretariats will set up Extension Colleges and Nurseries. These will be situated on two to three hectares of land inside each Local Government, where the trees will initially sprout before being moved.

He emphasized the necessity for the Federal Government and important organizations like TeTfund, the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation Limited (NNPCL), and other stakeholders to support the initiative as a renaissance for Nigeria in order to assure the sustainability of such an innovative venture.

During the occasion, Governor Bago also unveiled the first Executive Order about tree planting and stressed the need of all Nigerlites supporting the commendable green economy effort.

"We have to be realistic and educate our people so they can grasp the comparative advantage of pursuing a green economy," he stated.

"As per state policy, each person should plant one tree in their compound. Therefore, if there are 10 million houses, we have only planted 10 million trees. However, people must recognize the benefits of this.

The price is the next. The Niger State Government will provide N1 million to anybody who returns to farming; otherwise, there will be a problem with trust and reputation. Thus, the agri-support fund needs to live up to the hype.

We intend to establish an EFCC, NFIU, and ICPC in Niger State to ensure that the farmers receive their share of the funds. Execute and prosecute individuals in public. We will bring you low when you misuse public monies. And that's what will instill faith and trust in the populace.

"Fairness: I appreciate it when you discuss it. To be fair to others, you shouldn't offer them the tall order. It is crucial that you launch and expand it. So, that presentation made perfect sense.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon. Tajudeen Abbas, said that the summit represents a significant turning point in our shared will to advance sustainable development and address the issues brought on by climate change.

The Majority Chief Whip, Hon. Usman Kumo, spoke on behalf of Hon. Abbas. He claimed that the occasion was noteworthy for showcasing the possibilities of green technology, renewable energy initiatives, sustainable agriculture, and ecotourism in Niger State.

"With the help of this platform, the state can draw in investors—both domestic and foreign—who are eager to fund green projects and generate job possibilities. It also provides an opportunity to learn from professionals and discover global best practices for putting into practice efficient green solutions.

In light of this, I would like to thank my friend, colleague, and brother, Rt. Hon. Bago, for starting this project, which unites stakeholders, policymakers, investors, and experts from a range of industries to talk about and investigate prospects for a more prosperous and environmentally friendly future for Niger State and the nation as a whole.

The understanding that environmental sustainability and economic growth must coexist is the foundation of the idea of a "green economy." To put it simply, modern civilization cannot compromise the ability of future generations to reap the benefits of nature for their own advancement.

"A green economy seeks to encourage low-carbon, resource-efficient, and socially inclusive growth that advances the well-being of both current and future generations. It highlights the necessity of separating economic development from resource depletion and environmental deterioration.

A strong worldwide agreement has emerged in recent years regarding the importance of moving towards a green economy. The negative effects of climate change, such extreme weather, ongoing flooding, rising sea levels, and biodiversity loss, are becoming more and more obvious.

Because of the instability they create, these environmental risks not only endanger our means and sources of income but also present a serious threat to our basic life. In order to meet these difficulties, we must reconsider how we approach economic development and adopt creative solutions that support sustainable livelihoods and the preservation of natural resources.

"Niger State has a unique opportunity to lead the way in establishing a green economy in the country because of its abundance of natural resources and various ecosystems. The state is endowed with an abundance of natural resources, including forests, waterways, attractive landscapes, high biodiversity, mineral deposits, and vast and fertile agricultural fields. These gifts of nature are all opportunities for wealth and economic growth. We can generate new economic opportunities and protect our natural legacy for future generations by responsibly using these resources.

"We need to take a multifaceted approach that includes all of our economy's sectors if we are to realize this ambition. We can encourage agroforestry, organic farming, and sustainable land management strategies in agriculture to improve soil fertility and conserve water.

We can lessen our dependency on fossil fuels and lessen the effects of climate change by making investments in renewable energy infrastructure, such as solar and wind power. In order to preserve biodiversity and ecosystem services, we also need to give conservation and sustainable management of our wetlands, forests, and wildlife habitats first priority.

A comprehensive strategy that includes strong political will, efficient governance, stakeholder participation, a supportive environment, and alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is needed to make the transition to a green economy. Laws that support the growth of renewable energy sources, create environmentally friendly funding sources, and stimulate the uptake of environmentally friendly technologies must be passed. Furthermore, funding for education and capacity-building initiatives is necessary to provide our people with the know-how required for a green economy.

Therefore, it is the duty of policymakers to establish favorable conditions that encourage sustainable behavior and assist green enterprises. With its audacious efforts to green its economy and make it more robust, inclusive, and successful, Niger State is headed in the right direction. Speaker Abbas stated that the Niger State is leading the nation in utilizing green resources and innovation for sustainable development by introducing the Niger State Green Economy Blueprint today.

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