Government: Accountability Lab attributes the decline in confidence to a lack of responsibility and moral behavior in government.

Government: Accountability Lab attributes the decline in confidence to a lack of responsibility and moral behavior in government.
The erosion of trust in governance has been attributed by Accountability Lab Nigeria to the lack of accountability and ethical conduct within the public sector.

Based on the assessment of the accountability body, it is posited that the effective implementation of current policies will effectively mitigate the behavioral and societal elements that underlie this catastrophe.

Hence, it was deemed necessary to incorporate the National Ethics and Integrity Policy and the Nigerian Code of Conduct for Public Servants in order to effectively address ethical challenges inside the public sector.

During a news conference held in Abuja, the Country Director of the organization, Friday Odey, identified the lack of ethical and moral standards within the public service as the primary cause of this phenomenon.

Based on the findings of the Public Integrity and openness index, it is evident that the country received a score of 4.5 out of 10 in terms of integrity and 12.5 out of 20 in terms of openness. Odey expressed remorse over these data, as they highlight the imperative to address issues of corruption and deficient ethical conduct within the public sector.

Odeh emphasized the importance of harmonizing the National Ethics and Integrity policy, which was formulated by the Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission (ICPC), and integrating it with the Nigerian Code of Conduct for Public Servants. This integration would establish ethical benchmarks and establish a structure for cultivating a culture that promotes values and ethical conduct.

According to Odey, Nigeria has the potential to establish a conducive atmosphere that fosters accountability, integrity, and responsible leadership by effectively utilizing the advantages offered by both policies.

The individual additionally emphasized the importance of Nigerian residents and the government engaging in discussions on societal norms and allocating resources towards the development of integrity in order to influence behaviors inside the public sector.

The Project Officer at the organization, Mr. Mnenge Shiiwua, provided recommendations for achieving successful integration. These recommendations include targeted training programs that emphasize the benefits of ethical service, the implementation of robust oversight mechanisms, encouraging citizen engagement in accountability processes, and establishing effective sanctions for unethical practices.

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