Heartbreaking photos show a mother lovingly embracing her two children months before their father killed them and then self-stabbed.

Heartbreaking photos show a mother lovingly embracing her two children months before their father killed them and then self-stabbed.
Heartrending photographs shared on various social media platforms depict a mother and her two juvenile sons engaging in affectionate embraces, few months before to the tragic incident wherein law enforcement authorities said that they were fatally stabbed by their spouse and paternal figure. Subsequently, the perpetrator proceeded to inflict self-inflicted knife wounds within their New York residence.

In a photograph shared on Facebook on January 3rd, Alexandra "Ola" Witek, aged 40, is depicted holding her sons, Lucian (aged 3) and Calvin (aged 6 months), close to her bosom as she sits on a bench.

In response to a friend's congratulatory comment, the affectionate mother expressed her admiration for her children, stating that they are of exceptional quality.

On the afternoon of August 28, Witek was discovered deceased due to fatal stab wounds in her fourth-floor flat, where her two sons were also found.

According to law enforcement authorities, it is believed that Witek's spouse and the father of the children, Edison Lopez, aged 41, perpetrated the act of killing his family members before inflicting a fatal self-inflicted stab wound.

According to the sources, the children's bodies were severely damaged during the attack, leading to an initial misidentification of their genders as male and female.

According to local residents, Lopez and Witek were reported to have shared a common upbringing within the community and had attended the same secondary educational institution.

The father of the individual in question formerly held the position of a doorman in a nearby location, while their paternal grandfather served as the superintendent of the residential complex until Lopez assumed the role.

Both individuals were American citizens of first-generation immigrant backgrounds. Lopez's family originated from Venezuela, while Witek's ancestral ties may be traced back to Poland.

According to a family acquaintance, who claimed to have served as a superintendent on the same street for a period of 35 years, the individuals in question were raised in this locality. The acquaintance also expressed a sense of internal turmoil by stating that he was experiencing physical tremors.

"This situation is highly distressing," expressed the emotionally overwhelmed individual. I have been acquainted with him since his early childhood and with her since her early childhood. I had observed their coexistence during their youth."

I was not anticipating this occurrence. I have never witnessed Lopez displaying anger, on any occasion. The family acquaintance expressed astonishment at the absence of any prior instances of witnessing their conflicts.

Jimmy, the longstanding postal worker of the neighborhood, was also taken aback when learning about the gruesome demise of the family.

In the past, I was responsible for the delivery of diapers for the infant, who was one year old. I previously engaged in conversation with him, inquiring about his well-being by posing the question, "How are you doing, Edison?" How is the current state of affairs? The individual would express their agreement by stating, "OK." I consistently inquired about the well-being of his family. According to the individual interviewed by The Post, the person in question consistently expressed affirmation by uttering the word "good."

Jimmy further asserted, "Such behavior is incongruous with his established personality traits."

Lopez consistently exhibited amiable and composed behavior. There is no observable evidence or indication that would potentially initiate or prompt a situation of this nature. I am experiencing a state of sadness.

How can one engage in such behavior, not just to oneself but also to one's children and spouse?

Prior to the alleged murder-suicide incident, there was no record of any emergency calls made by the family that would suggest the presence of domestic issues within the household.

A photograph depicting Lopez positioned as a groomsman, displaying a cheerful expression, has been posted by an individual known to the couple. The precise date of the image remains undisclosed.

The family consisting of four individuals was discovered after Lopez's father made contact with Witek's younger sibling, since he had been unable in reaching the family since the previous Sunday.

The individuals promptly notified the relevant authorities upon successfully penetrating the apartment lock and observing the presence of blood within the premises.

He entered the next structure with the purpose of retrieving a hammer. He promptly returned and proceeded to the aforementioned flat. According to the testimony of the longstanding family acquaintance, it is likely that Lopez's father observed the situation shortly before entering the crime scene.

According to accounts, Lucian and Calvin were discovered deceased in the living room, having suffered fatal stab wounds, with two knives in close proximity. Witek, on the other hand, was located in the hallway with a significant laceration to the neck.

Lopez was found in a recumbent position on the bed within a designated sleeping area, with a puncture wound inflicted by a sharp object.

According to the authorities, it was determined that the apartment door had been locked from the within.

According to acquaintances, it is possible that the family had encountered circumstances that compelled them to consider relocating from their current apartment in the weeks leading up to the incident. This decision may have been influenced by Lopez's purported acquisition of a new employment opportunity in Westchester.

On Friday, I observed his presence...The anonymous family friend recounted their final meeting with Lopez, in which he disclosed his intention to depart for a new employment opportunity. The friend further mentioned that Lopez had been granted a two-week period to transition out of his current position.

The individual appeared to be experiencing emotional distress or a similar state.Feeling concerned or anxious. The superintendent expressed that they had never observed him in such a manner.

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